
Pipette Tips 200 ul (96 tips/rack x 20 racks) (1920 tips)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $99.00.

SKU: PTR200 Category:
Universal Sterile Pipette Tips 200 ul
Volume: 10 – 200 ul
96 tips/rack
20 racks per case
  • Polypropylene
  • Color-coded for easy identification
  • Fully autoclavable to 121℃
  • DNase/RNase-free
  • Universal pipette tips
  • Compatible with Eppendorf, Gilson and Biohit


For smaller quantity purchases of Pipette tips 200ul in racks, please visit our Amazon store.



Weight 3.500 kg
Dimensions 32 × 27 × 34 cm


What is a pipette controller?
A controller is used to aspirate and dispense volumes of liquid.
Which pipette tips should you use?
You should always use the smallest pipette tips possible. For example, if the volume is 15ul, you should use a 20ul pipette tip (not a 200ul tip).
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