PCR Purification Kit


SKU: BD0302 Categories: ,

PCR Purification Kit is designed for rapid and efficient purification of DNA fromPCR and other enzymatic reaction
mixtures.The kit utilizes a proprietary silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spincolumn,
eliminating the need for tedious resin manipulations or toxic phenol-chloroformextractions.The PCR Purification Kit
effectively removes primers, dNTPs, unincorporatedlabeled nucleotides, enzymes and salts from PCR and other
reaction mixtures. The recovery rates are 80-100% ina 100 bp – 10 kb DNA fragment size range. Each purification
columnhas a total binding capacity of up to 25 μg of DNA.The purified DNA can be used in common downstream
applications such as sequencing,restriction digestion, ligation or cloning.


The kit should be stored at room temperature (15-30°C) for a year. If visible turbidity or crystallization appears in the
solution,place the bottles in water bath at 55 ℃ until the solution becomes clear.


Technical Specs

Data Sheet


Weight 450 kg
Dimensions 20 × 25 × 20 cm

100T, 50T

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