EarthOX 2×Efi Taq PCR Mix is an optimized mixture composed of the high-quality EarthOX Efi Taq DNA
Polymerase, reaction buffer, and dNTP mix in a single tube. It offers higher yield, sensitivity, stability and
specificity than the routine PCR method. Additionally, this 2-fold concentration formula reduces handling steps and
risk of contamination. This product is particularly suitable for high-throughput assays. Products of 30 kb can be
amplified by this enzyme if the template is λ DNA. If the template is genome, products of 15 kb can be amplified. This
enzyme applies to construct gene mapping. The enzyme adds an extra “A” to the 3’-end of the PCR products, which
can be directly used for cloning into T-Vector. Supplied with DNA loading buffer, it allows direct loading of the
PCR products to an agarose gel once the reaction is finished. The red dye, which has a similar mobility as a ~300 bp
fragment in a 1% TAE agarose gel, serves as an indicator to monitor the progress of DNA electrophoresis.
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