2x Qfast Green MasterMix is a double concentrated, ready-to-use reaction cocktail that contains Fast Taq DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, SYBR Green I and Mg2+. This unique combination of buffer, stabilizers and Fast Taq
DNA Polymerase delivers maximum PCR efficiency, sensitivity, specificity and a robust signal. The dye binds to any double-stranded DNA and detection is monitored by measuring the increase in fluorescence throughout cycling.
Activation of Fast Taq is instantaneous at 95℃. The hot start mechanism, using Fast Taq antibody, prevents non-specific product formation and allows assembled PCR reactions to be placed at room temperature up to 2 hours without compromising performance.
2x Qfast Green MasterMix can be stored at 2-8 °C for up to 3 months. It can also be stored at –20 °C for up to one
year. After thawing, mix thoroughly by gently vortexing before use. There was no detectable loss of performance after 10
freeze-thaw cycles. However, repeated freezing and thawing is not recommended.